Thursday, July 5, 2007


The drive home to Berkeley from Olympia, my first lone roadtrip in many years, went off without a hitch. No flat tires, no running out of gas, no creepy characters on the road. I listened to most of Michael Chabon's new novel, The Yiddish Policeman's Union, and drank a lot of Diet Coke. Once in Berkeley, I frantically packed for the next few days (while taking a few breaks here and there, like a day at AT & T Park to see the Giants play the Padres and a happy hour at Cesars with my cousin Jennifer.) I barely made it out of the house before our sublet tenants arrived, my final bag was chucked in the back of our car a couple of minutes before they walked through our gate. They're a great family and they were happy with the house.
I started the drive to LA to reunite with Jason around 1 PM on Monday July 2nd. Six hours later, we were eating brats and drinking our favorite Porter on the patio of our friend's Pasadena mansion, which we have to ourselves for the next week and a half. More on the mansion later...Dana asked about mileage...let's see...according to the mileage calculator, I have driven 1,614.6 miles in the last couple of weeks.
Labels: Did I Earn the MVP Award for this Effort?


Bora said...

sausages and beer on mansion balcony sounds like a great payoff for all your hard work. did you watch fireworks for the fourth?

Dana Lundblad said...

I so wanted to catch you on Sunday to say happy travels and safe ones as well... so I'll just have to do it virtually. Vaya con Dios (o:

Susi said...

Yes. We walked to the edge of the Rose Bowl and watched some pretty cool fireworks. Not a bad place to spend the 4th all in all.