Friday, September 14, 2007


Little grasshoppers, deep fried in salt and chili powder. A salty, delicious, insect treat. Sold at a mercado near you (if you live in Oaxaca City). Our sweet cleaning lady, Berta, brought them over. They were still hot when I first tried them. Jason ate some, Gabe tried them. Abby got out of it somehow!

They’re quite tasty…not nearly as strange as balut (embryonic duck egg, Filipino delicacy that we slurped in Manila two summers ago). We won’t be making chapulines a part of our regular menu yet, but we understand that a famous restaurant on the Zócalo serves a salad with the little critters sprinkled on top…kind of like six-legged croutons.
Enjoy the photos!


Dana Lundblad said...

I'll stick with croutons for now... thanks. (;

Susi said...

What...and have not feelers stuck between your teeth?

Kim said...

From not wanting to crush a cockroach to eating a grasshopper? That's quite a journey to make in just a few days!

Susi said...

What an observation, Kim. You are really reading these blog entries! I have no excuse, but to say that I knew I would have to try the grasshoppers there they were staring up at me with their roasted eyes and legs and three-part bodies...I had to do it.